Digital Realty announces major expansion Colocation Data Center in Ashburn, Virginia

Digital Realty announces major expansion Colocation Data Center in Ashburn, Virginia -

digital Realty, a global provider of data center solutions, colocation and interconnection, will significantly expand services roommate to customers on its existing campus in Ashburn third quarter of this year. The expansion follows the recent acquisition of Digital Realty's 126 acres less than a mile from its existing campus in Ashburn, which will support the development of more than two million additional square feet and 150 megawatts of critical IT load.

Digital Realty plans to offer traditional connectivity options found in its Meet-Me-Rooms and between buildings on campus, as well as dedicated Internet access solutions. Customers would also be able to leverage a broad ecosystem of network providers and cloud through MarketplacePORTAL -. A customer portal where customers can manage connectivity, service issues and access rights

data center ashburn digital realty

ASH1, part of Telx assets recently acquired, is located on a 98 acre site in the corridor of the Northern Virginia technology Dulles, less than 10 minutes from Washington Dulles International airport.

a variety of colocation and connectivity options will be available by leveraging the business model and the existing Telx connectivity digital fiber Realty.

"We are delighted to expand our service offering in the largest market of data centers in the US that we still have our application support strategy of all sizes within our campus environments secure, "said Tony Rossabi, CEO of Telx line of digital Realty's business ." once the expansion is complete, customers can enjoy an even wider range of powerful solutions to support their critical applications close to compute engines that power their businesses. We look forward to translate the success of our Ashburn Colocation Service offers other campuses at the end of the year. "

The Digital Realty's customers include domestic and international companies of all sizes, ranging from financial services, cloud and information technology services to manufacturing, energy, gaming, life sciences, and consumer products.

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