Vantage Data Centers supports Fortune 100 clients, added 4.5 MW facility at its Quincy, Washington

17:52 Add Comment
Vantage Data Centers supports Fortune 100 clients, added 4.5 MW facility at its Quincy, Washington -

Vantage data Centers, an operating campus data center provider in Silicon Valley , California, and Quincy, Washington, has announced the addition of 4.5 MW of new capacity on its assets Quincy, Washington campus data center. Vantage accelerated construction to meet the requirement of a Fortune 100 clients for earlier than expected capacity.

Set on 68 acres of land, Vantage Quincy data center campus has a highly scalable design and is intended for master data center four buildings totaling approximately 529,000 square feet and 55MW of IT load critical. The first data center built on the site, which was designed in collaboration with Fortune 100 client, was unveiled in September 2013 with 61,000 square feet of raised floor space data center in a 133,000 square foot building.

vantage-data-centers just the second stage of active construction completed an additional capacity of 4.5 MW with a mechanical electrical infrastructure and newly built, for a total of 6 MW with the installation. Designed to operate in a highly effective annualized Efficient Power Usage (PUE) of less than 1.3, the campus data center has been ordered and carried 1.18 to the peak load.

evaporative cooling system

"We are pleased to support our customers faster than expected growth, and we look forward to building additional data centers Quincy on our campus to support more customers, "said Sureel Choksi, president and CEO of Vantage ." our location in Quincy benefits of access to abundant hydropower at low cost as well as significant tax incentives, driving the TCO for our customers industry leader. "

Designed from the start to be sensitive to the environment, Quincy campus data center has an indirect evaporative system developed on cooling measure designed to eliminate the impact of outdoor conditions with a distribution infrastructure in closed loop. the hotel also EPA Tier 4 installed generators that would reduce emissions by 0- 95% compared to conventional generators deployments.

Vantage Data Centers is supported by Silver Lake, a global investment company technology, with $ 23 billion in combined assets under management and committed capital.

Data Centers Achieve Net access HIPAA and HITECH compliance

19:50 Add Comment
Data Centers Achieve Net access HIPAA and HITECH compliance -

net Access, a hybrid colocation service provider, cloud and connectivity solutions based in Cedar Knolls, NJ, announced the success a third verification of the party certifying that their data centers and cloud hosting services are consistent with current federal and industry standards to protect the private health information of consumers.

HIPAA standards HITECH to protect the privacy of electronic medical records, including guidelines that healthcare entities must follow to get this information when it is processed, transmitted or stored in a data network.

cloud-hosting-healthcare The audit, which was conducted by Brightline CPAs and Associates, Inc., a leading provider of certification services and compliance, included an in-depth security management review net physical datacenter Access, IT security policies and procedures, data protection, network architecture, monitoring and other safeguards.

at the end of the audit, BrightLine found Net Access had controls in place to meet the health Federal Accountability Act (HIPAA) administrative security regulations guarantees, technical and physical Insurance Portability and technology the economic and clinical health information health Act (HITECH) breach notification guarantees.

"achieving these validations by independent third parties underscores our ongoing commitment to provide secure, reliable and consistent center for our customers solutions while maintaining the highest standards for the protection of their data "said Raul Martynek, CEO of net Access . "It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team that our facilities and cloud services meet the stringent requirements of HIPAA and HITECH security set by the federal government."

Colocation provider EvoSwitch Hires New Sales Manager

12:51 Add Comment
Colocation provider EvoSwitch Hires New Sales Manager -

EvoSwitch, sustainable colocation service provider with data centers in Amsterdam and Washington, DC, announced the appointment of Patrick van der Wilt as Commercial Director. Van der Wilt is a veteran of the data center industry who most recently served as Director Business Development EMEA Ecosystems IO, a global provider of data center technologies defined by software.

Patrick van der Wilt EvoSwitch joined after 13 years of work experience in large companies in the data center market, having begun commercial positions for IO, Dutch integrator data center Compertius and TelecityGroup colocation provider, among others.


both Web and Phoenix NAP liquids recently announced expansion into Europe with EvoSwitch.

"We are delighted to welcome Patrick to our executive team," said Eric Boonstra, Managing Director of EvoSwitch . "Patrick brings a wealth of business experience and expertise to the company, and a thorough knowledge of the activities and services that will significantly strengthen our business strategy in the coming years. "

the news follows the expansion of States Liquid Web hosting STATES suppliers and Phoenix NAP European EvoSwitch. the two US companies are new to the European market and have signed contracts for the provision of colocation space in the AMS1 data center EvoSwitch in the region Amsterdam.

Node.js Foundation Plans to Add Web Server Framework Express for its Incubator program

14:49 Add Comment
Node.js Foundation Plans to Add Web Server Framework Express for its Incubator program -

with 53+ million downloads in the last two years, recording has become one of the key tools for building web applications. Now Express and some of its constituent modules are becoming a new Foundation incubator project.

express underlies some of the most important projects that support Node.js, including kraken.js a "secure and scalable" layer that extends express and is widely used by businesses. Kraken.js was open sourced by PayPal in 2014. It also underpins Sails.js , a web framework that would make it easy to build custom, enterprise-class applications Node jS, and Loopback , an IPY Node.js.

The Node.js Incubator Foundation program was launched last year. The projects in the incubator program Node.js Foundation receive aid and governance Mentoring Foundation Steering Technical Committee and related working groups. The incubator program is intended to support the many needs of Node.js users to maintain a competitive and robust ecosystem.

node-js "This framework is essential for a significant portion of Node.js many users," said Mikeal Rogers, Community Manager of the Foundation Node.js . "Bringing this project the Node.js Foundation under an open governance, allowing it to continue to be a reliable choice for many companies and users, while ensuring that we maintain a healthy ecosystem approaches to solve problems that express competing addresses . "


The Foundation is composed of a diverse group of companies, including the famous Platinum Member, IBM, Intel, Joyent, Microsoft, PayPal and Red Hat . Gold members include GoDaddy, NodeSource and Modulus / Progress Software, while Silver members include Apigee, Codefresh, Digital Ocean, Fidelity, Groupon, nearForm, npm, RisingStack, Sauce Labs, SAP, StrongLoop (IBM) YLD!, and Yahoo.

rod vagg nodejs

"work on the development and maintain Express has been a tremendous asset to the community," said Rod Vagg, Node Officer leader in NodeSource and technical director of the director of Node Committee js Foundation.

"work on the development and maintain Express has been a tremendous asset to the community," said Rod Vagg, Node Officer leader in NodeSource and technical director of the Steering Committee node. js Foundation . "With 5 million downloads in package last month, the stability of this project, which will get a huge boost thanks to open governance is very important for the efforts of the Foundation to support Node.js Node.js as a technology and developer ecosystem. "

express-related assets are being contributed to the Node.js Foundation by IBM.

" IBM is committed not only growth and support Node.js ecosystem, but the promotion of open government for managers that enable Node.js developers to work smarter, faster and with more agility, "said Todd Moore, IBM, Open VP technology . "We are delighted that Express is being introduced as a top-level project incubated Foundation. Express has a bright future and a new long-term home that will provide the resources, reliability and relevance of Express Node.js for the global community of developers. "

Oracle unveils new SaaS, PaaS and IaaS Cloud Services to help organizations in their journey to the cloud

21:48 Add Comment
Oracle unveils new SaaS, PaaS and IaaS Cloud Services to help organizations in their journey to the cloud -

oracle cloud solutions Oracle has expanded its cloud portfolio, releasing new Oracle services cloud on for several months to help transition to the cloud businesses. The new services would improve the breadth and depth of cloud wide portfolio of Oracle across all layers of the stack. - SaaS, PaaS and IaaS

With these new advances, Oracle would provide all Cloud- based services that organizations need to capitalize on the key transformative technologies such as large data analysis, social, mobile and IoT, and to continue to expand core use cases that allow organizations to move enterprise workloads to the cloud.

"In the digital age of today, consumers are better informed, connected, and selective than ever before. Therefore, technology providers need to offer cloud services highly personalized and secure in order to remain competitive, "said Thomas Kurian, Chairman, Oracle . "With the new Oracle Cloud services, Oracle enables companies to leverage the most flexible cloud infrastructure, proven and secure in the industry. With it, organizations are able to enjoy the dual benefits of moving their business workloads to the cloud while providing their customers with cloud services highly innovative and accessible. "

The latest additions to the Oracle Cloud Applications portfolio include:

  • customer experience - Oracle CX Cloud would help organizations . coherent offer personalized experiences that connect each customer engagement with their brand New services include: customer experience for financial services, customer experience in telecommunications, customer experience for products FMCG, customer experience for media and entertainment, the customer experience for high technology, customer experience for manufacturing, social engagement and monitoring, marketing cooperation, assisted sales of Commerce, and HIPAA cloud Platform
  • oracle cloud services plane management of the supply chain, planning and enterprise resource the performance management business -. Oracle SCM Together cloud services ERP and EPM. would provide companies with the tools needed to accelerated innovation, streamline business processes and offer new perspectives new services include: Quoting and Order capture, management orders, Modeling Configurator, Configurator, Supply chain orchestration, central planning, manufacturing (Discrete), fleet management, costs, advanced financial controls, account reconciliation and reporting
  • Human Capital Management -. Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) enable cloud modern human resource organizations to find and retain the best talent and improve overall agility. New services include :. Talent Management for Midsize, Talent Acquisition for Midsize, delivery assessments, and learning and development

The Oracle Platform Cloud provides a "full range of services for build and deploy rich applications "- or extend Oracle Cloud SaaS applications - using a platform of enterprise-class cloud-based database and application server Oracle. The latest additions to the portfolio include:

  • Data management - Oracle Data Cloud Management would provide a comprehensive and integrated set of capabilities for building, deploying and managing driven applications by the data. New services include :. Oracle Big Data Cloud, Oracle Big Data Discovery Cloud, and Oracle Database Cloud Service - Exadata
  • Application Development - Oracle Application Development Cloud, a Java EE framework from end to end, would simplify application development by providing services outside-the-box infrastructure and a visual and declarative development experience. New Family is the Oracle Application Builder Cloud Service
  • Enterprise Integration -. Oracle Cloud Integration provide organizations with a unified and comprehensive solution for integrating disparate cloud applications and on site. New services include :. Oracle SOA Suite Cloud Manager API and Managed File Transfer, API Oracle Catalog Cloud, and Oracle Internet of Things Cloud
  • Data Integration - Oracle Data Integration Cloud provide a consolidated basis for the customers to prepare, extract, transform, move and direct the two batches of data in real time between heterogeneous data sources and targets. New services include:
  • IT Oracle Golden Gate Cloud and Big Data Preparation Oracle Cloud Operations Management - Oracle Cloud Management is a new generation integrated surveillance suite, management and analysis cloud services. that would provide real-time analysis and deep technical and commercial knowledge. New services include: Application Performance Monitoring Cloud, IT Analytics Cloud and Log Analytics Cloud
  • content and process - content and Oracle Cloud process would enable business users. easily collaborate everywhere, simplify the automation business, and communicate more effectively. Documents Oracle Service Cloud is now integrated with Oracle and Oracle Social Network Sites Cloud
  • Business Analytics -. Oracle Cloud Analytics deliver business analytics for traditional data and large data throughout the enterprise. The new service is the Service Cloud Oracle Data Visualization

In addition, Oracle has added a number of new services to its IaaS portfolio :.

  • Infrastructure - IaaS Oracle's portfolio would deliver a comprehensive set of basic services for running enterprise workloads such as elastic computing, networking and storage. New services include: Oracle Compute Cloud, Oracle Cloud Network - VPN and Fast Connect, Oracle Cloud Storage - bulk data transfer, and Oracle Messaging Cloud

The Oracle Cloud. have shown strong adoption, supporting 70+ million users and over 34 billion transactions each day. It operates in 19 data centers worldwide.

Dimension Data: Cyber ​​criminals target the retail sector

16:47 Add Comment
Dimension Data: Cyber ​​criminals target the retail sector -

new research published in the NTT global Threat Intelligence Report 2016 reveals that cyber criminals have shifted their focus on traditional financial markets targeting the retail sector. The report contains security threats gathered during 2015 8,000 customers security companies NTT Group including Dimension Data, Solutionary, NTT Com Security, NTT R & D, and NTT Innovation Institute (NTTi3).

"Retail companies are becoming increasingly popular targets as most important process volumes of personal information, including credit card data in highly distributed environments with many terminals and point of service terminals, "said Rory Duncan, Business Unit safety manager at Dimension Data UK. " These diverse environments can be difficult to protect. "

65% of attacks came from within the US IP addresses. However, hackers behind these attacks could be located anywhere in the world. cybercriminals adopt low-cost, highly available and geographically strategic infrastructure to carry out activities malicious.

cyberark endpoint security "the sectors of retail and financial process large volumes of personal information and credit card data," said Matthew Gyde, Executive Group of dimension Data - security . "Access to these organizations allows cybercriminals to monetize sensitive data such as credit card details on the black market, which confirms that cybercriminals are motivated by the rewards of financial crime."

Cybercriminals are increasingly leveraging malware to breach the perimeter defenses of organizations. In 2015, there was a 18% increase in malware in all sectors, excluding the education sector

The frequency and complexity of malware becomes more stealthy and sophisticated. As organizations grow sandboxes (software that performs the suspect code in a highly protected environment and review its activities) to better understand the cybercriminal tactics to protect against attacks at the same time , malicious software developers are aggressively developing anti-sandbox techniques.

Hyperconverged Infrastructure Provider Hires Gridstore Nariman Teymourian as new CEO

11:46 Add Comment
Hyperconverged Infrastructure Provider Hires Gridstore Nariman Teymourian as new CEO -

Gridstore, a hyper-converged all flash infrastructure provider, has hired a veteran Nariman Teymourian industry to take the reins of Gridstore as its chief executive officer (CEO). An industry veteran, Mr. Teymourian just HPE (Hewlett Packard Company) where he served as Senior Vice President and General Manager of.

Nariman Teymourian brings his insight and extensive career history in high technology coupled with a record of success with startups to his new role as CEO Gridstore . He would command a wealth of experience and expertise in the areas of cloud computing, enterprise software, business and strategic planning, and bringing disruptive technologies to market.

"We are very pleased to welcome Nariman Teymourian as our new CEO, as it not only brings tremendous insight and experience in the industry, but a track record of success with startups," said Kevin Dillon, partner, Atlantic Bridge Capital . "his keen insights into market dynamics, business acumen, and his ability to take full advantage of the talents of its management teams will be invaluable for the company. The Board and I look forward to working with Nariman we expose the plans for what we are sure will be a very exciting future for the company. "


Before HPE, Nariman Teymourian was CEO and Chairman of Gale Technologies board guiding its successful acquisition by Dell.

Before HPE Mr. Teymourian was CEO and Chairman Gale Technologies guiding his success acquisition by Dell . other executive positions include his role as president and CEO in QuikCycle (acquired by Gale), founder and CEO of Caspian Consulting (acquired by Delta Dental) Prism Software Health (acquired by BCG), and software Reliability (acquired by Lockheed). Nariman Teymourian has a Masters and a PhD in International Business from University of Southern California.

Gridstore closed a record year in 2015 at a time acquiring income and client and launched in 2016 with a new investment cycle. Under his leadership the company was ready for spectacular growth and expansion, adding to the sales, support and R & D worldwide. Mr. Teymourian for Kelly Murphy, founder and CTO that has been interim CEO and remains a part of the management team as CTO.

Big Switch Networks Hiring Mike Hoffman as Vice President of Global Sales and Chief Revenue Officer

18:45 Add Comment
Big Switch Networks Hiring Mike Hoffman as Vice President of Global Sales and Chief Revenue Officer -

Big Switch Networks, a network provider hyperscale data centers worldwide, Mike Hoffman appointed as Vice President of global sales and CEO of income. Most recently, Mr. Hoffman has held the role of Vice President of Sales and Marketing at start of Datiphy cyber security. Before Datiphy, Hoffman spent more than six years Gigamon, where the majority of its mandate was vice president of global sales.

Mike Hoffman joined Big Switch with extensive experience in growing and capturing market share in the highly complex and disruptive industries. During his time with Gigamon he contributed to revenue growth from $ 20M to $ 140M and an integral part of the company's IPO in 2013.

"I am pleased to welcome Mike to the team Big Switch," said Douglas Murray, executive director of the Great Switching Networks . "Mike joins us at a critical time in our evolution. It has proven itself and is not only well versed in global capture market share, but also the channel strategy, both key to the growth and expansion of our company continues. "

Veteran Gulf War

mike hoffman big switch networks

" Big Switch drew the attention of the industry and I jumped at the opportunity to use my experience to help the company develop new revenue opportunities, "said Mike Hoffman.

M .. Hoffman is a veteran of the Gulf War, after starting his career with the US Navy, where he served for eight years. During his active duty Hoffman was assigned to the Advanced Electronics Field and later served as an instructor in technical combat systems command of the Navy school, where he developed curriculum and taught the Navy and the maritime personnel.

During his time with the US Navy , Hoffman received the Navy Medal of Excellence by the Secretary of the Navy, and received congratulatory letters to both the Secretary Group commander of the Navy and Carrier.

"I am delighted to join Big Switch at a crucial moment and to play an integral role in the next company's growth phase," said Mike Hoffman, the new vice president Worldwide Sales & CRO, Big Switch Networks . "Big Switch attracted industry attention and I jumped at the opportunity to use my experience to help the company develop new revenue opportunities through geographic expansion and channel and strategic leadership. "

In early 2016, Big Switch announced funding $ 48.5 million Series C which included the participation of both new and existing investors. Big Switch now multiple client offers more than $ 1 million + . Customers of the company are based in the US, APAC and EMEA in vertical markets including technology, financial services, government, telecommunications and higher education.

Customers of

Networks Switch Big Verizon, the US federal government, Intuit, Clemson University, CleanSafeCloud, U2 Cloud, 10 of the 15 largest telecom operators in the world, many global companies to financial, corporate media, and a Fortune 5 company in oil and gas.

Newest addition to global HostingCon 2016 Lineup is FBI Special Agent Chris Tarbell

13:44 Add Comment
Newest addition to global HostingCon 2016 Lineup is FBI Special Agent Chris Tarbell -

FBI Special agent Chris Tarbell, appear worldwide HostingCon 2016 in a session sponsored by Q & Symantec. This former FBI agent helped get some of the most famous cyberhackers the world, including Dread Pirate Roberts Silk Road, the online black market drugs, and Sabu Anonymous.

HostingCon This year, the world will be held in New Orleans, July 24-26. During the Q & A session, hosted by Michael Klieman Symantec, Sr. Director of Product Management, Security website , Mr. Tarbell will share how you can avoid being the target of ripe fruit the Pirates.

hostingcon global again, Chris Tarbell is a charismatic storyteller with some really exciting stories to tell. The way he applies his FBI field training in the digital sphere in his cinematic story to get his hands on the pirates, Tarbell's session promises to entertain while it educates.

Q & A Chris Tarbell is free to participate with HostingCon all-access pass. On July 26, we can see Chris Tarbell in booth # 407 Symantec from 2:15 and then join him in a conversation with Michael Klieman Symantec on stage at 15:30.

US survey: "Containers Going Mainstream, but still difficult to deploy"

20:43 Add Comment
US survey: "Containers Going Mainstream, but still difficult to deploy" -

US companies appear to move quickly to deploy container technologies, with 70 percent of respondents who use today containers and another 21 percent indicating they plan to do so soon. the survey of 0 iT professionals was conducted by NetEnrich, a company headquartered in Silicon Valley that combines industrial services and a platform exclusive automation to deliver iT infrastructure services and operations management from on-site to the cloud.

container technology represents an opportunity for development and operations teams to increase efficiency and flexibility in the delivery of software applications . Containers contain pieces of code in a software layer which can be easily transported between computers. Although not new, Container technology is gaining steam as companies seek ways to speed delivery of software and take advantage of emerging technologies such as public cloud infrastructures.

The results of the survey NetEnrich, the main benefit cited by 63 percent of respondents, using container technology was the improved flexibility provides in terms IT infrastructure of a company. The second most common benefit (53 percent of respondents) were generally IT savings . Increase speed / productivity for developers launch code (51 percent) and greater responsiveness to business needs (40 percent) were the third and fourth advantages most often experienced, respectively.

Interestingly, 46 percent of respondents said they expected to save up to 30 percent in annual costs IT through the use of containers, whether in developer productivity, expenses infrastructure or other efficiency gains.

chris joseph netenrich

"the results of our survey indicate that the adoption of containers is increasing and leading to cost savings and efficiency gains for many IT organizations," said Chris Joseph NetEnrich.

Yet companies experiencing some pain associated with the use of growing containers. The biggest problem, known by 55 percent of respondents to the survey NetEnrich, integrated container into their existing IT environments. Security (53 percent) and container management to prevent sprawl and cost overruns (47 percent) were the next biggest obstacles, followed by a lack of experience with technical container among staff internal (42 percent).

Indeed, a huge 66 percent of IT professionals described the difficulty in learning how to effectively use technology such as container Docker , and Kubernetes Mesos "moderately difficult" while 21 percent described as "very difficult." About 58 percent of respondents said they use tools and third-party management services to meet these challenges, and the same percentage said they are services and consultants find "competitive prices" and "good value"

other key findings of the container NetEnrich June 2016 survey include:.

  • 33 percent of respondents said they use as their main CoreOS container technology. another 32 percent use Google Kubernetes, 25 percent use Docker, and 11 percent use Joyent.
  • in addition to containers, 76 percent of respondents said they use microservices, 69 percent use public cloud services, 56 percent have adopted DevOps, and 48 percent have adopted automation to the code deployments.
  • 30 percent of respondents said they container installing a computer hosting provider or third running data center. An additional 27 percent use containers in their internal data centers, while 27 percent are running on Microsoft Azure and 17 percent are running on Amazon Web Services.
  • 44 percent of respondents said that the containers could help reduce virtualization costs "significantly," while 41 percent said the savings would be "minimal to moderate."
  • 53 percent of respondents use Docker containers together with Apache and / or Docker Swarm, while 27 percent use Docker with SCEM and 18 percent use Docker with Mesos.
  • The largest percentage of respondents (45 percent) use AppDynamics to monitor their container environment. Another 31 percent use or DataDog Prometheus. Splunk was the fourth most popular monitoring tool at 27 percent, followed by Vistara to 23 percent.

"The results of our survey indicate that the adoption of containers is increasing and leading to cost savings and efficiency gains for many IT organizations," said Chris Joseph, vice president of product management and marketing, NetEnrich . "However, companies are still struggling with issues such as integration, security and management in technology container. This will probably continue until the skill levels of internal IT staff taken to market. Meanwhile, companies are supported by external consultants and service providers. "

Internet Exchange AMS-IX names Mark Cooper Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)

15:42 Add Comment
Internet Exchange AMS-IX names Mark Cooper Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) -

Mark Cooper (44) was appointed Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) to AMS-IX (Amsterdam Internet Exchange) . He joined AMS-IX of Interxion, taking up the position of Cara Mascini (43), who fulfilled the role of Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) for the past 10 years.


Cara Mascini will now be responsible for the development of international strategy AMS-IX '.

Cara Mascini launched a new challenge as Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) to AMS-IX. In his new role, Mascini will be responsible for long-term development strategy, the creation of the strategic context, stakeholder management, strategic relations, organizational development and culture of the company.

With the recent international expansion of AMS-IX, the need for more strategic context was increasingly to ensure that the organization develops according to the objectives set in the longer term and the strategy is executed accordingly.

Interxion, KPN


"This role gives me the opportunity to focus on expanding into new international markets," said Mark Cooper.

Prior to joining AMS-IX, Mark Cooper was director of strategy & marketing at Interxion in the provider and content delivery network services network division. Before Interxion, Mark Cooper was employed by KPN International in the role of product manager and before that by KPNQwest in the role of product marketing Director. as the new CCO of AMS-IX Mark Cooper is responsible for the management and development of marketing, sales, business development and customer relations within the AMS-IX.

"I feel AMS-IX is the absolute leader in the field of exchange of the Internet, "said Mark Cooper . "This role gives me the opportunity to join an organization with a focus on expansion into new international markets. This feature allows me to further develop my management experience and team leadership, particularly in the field marketing ".

AMD to accelerate the ecosystem of ARM server With its ARM-Based CPU

22:41 Add Comment
AMD to accelerate the ecosystem of ARM server With its ARM-Based CPU -

AMD has added a milestone to its list of seminal developments in server technology. The company displays a platform of global development for its first server CPU ARM-based 64-bit, manufactured using the 28-nanometer process technology, the first of a set of server supplier.

arm-processors-amd AMD also announced the imminent sampling processor ARM-based, named AMD Opteron A1100 series, and a platform of development, which includes an evaluation board and a complete software suite. Additionally, AMD announced that it would be contribute to the Open Compute proposed a new micro-server design using the AMD Opteron Series A, as part of the specification of the common slot architecture for motherboards dubbed "Hug Group."

64-bit software ecosystem

the AMD Opteron a-Series processor, "Seattle" code name will sample this quarter with a platform for developing software that will design the CPU server based on ARM-fast and easy. AMD is working with industry partners to enable a robust software ecosystem 64-bit designs for ARM-based compilers and simulators to hypervisors, operating systems and application software, to process loads working keys in ranking web environments and data storage centers.

development platform AMD Opteron A-Series will be supported by a wide range of tools and software, including a standard UEFI boot and Linux-based Fedora Project, a Red Hat sponsored distribution focused on the Linux community.

"the needs of the data center changes, a one-size-fits approach generally limits the effectiveness and results in more costly solutions," said Suresh Gopalakrishnan, vice president and director General AMD server business unit . "the new AMD Opteron Series ARM-based portfolio brings an established server processor vendor ecosystem ARM experience and technology and provides . supplement ideal for our x86 AMD Opteron server set processors "

The AMD Opteron series A1100 media processors:

  • 4 or 8 ARM Cortex ™ core -A57 processors
  • up to 4 MB of shared L2 and 8 MB of shared L3 cache
  • configurable dual DDR3 or DDR4 memory channels with ECC up to 1866 MT / s
  • up to 4 SODIMM, UDIMM or RDIMM
  • 8-lane PCI Express Gen 3 ® I / O
  • 8 ATA 3 serial ports
  • February 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports
  • TrustZone ARM technology to enhance security
  • Crypto and compression co-processor data

the AMD Opteron Series SDK is packaged in a Micro-ATX form factor and includes:

  • AMD Opteron A1100 Series
  • 4 registered DIMM slots for up to 128GB of DDR3 DRAM
  • PCI Express® connectors configurable as a single x8 or dual x4 ports
  • 8 Serial-ATA connectors
  • Compatibility with standard power supplies
  • Ability to be used standalone or mounted in a standard rack mount chassis
  • standard UEFI boot environment
  • Linux environment based on Fedora, which provides developers a set of tools and applications

* chain GNU Linux standard tools, including cross-development version of
* platform device drivers
* Apache web server, the engine MySQL database and PHP scripting language data to develop applications for robust web services
* Java 7 and Java 8 versions to provide developers working in an ARM 64-bit environment

Colocation provider Equinix extends Amsterdam Data Center Campus Connectivity

17:40 Add Comment
Colocation provider Equinix extends Amsterdam Data Center Campus Connectivity - [1945011NikhefetVancissurlabasedesPays-Bas-] colocation and global interconnection provider Equinix has established direct connections from its facility in Amsterdam AM3 Sciencepark Amsterdam ( SURFsara) media hotels. This will allow customers to connect directly to more than 250 international networks.


Access NIKHEF and Vancis data centers is immediately available to Equinix colocation customers AM3 Science Park

the Vancis (SURFsara) NIKHEF and colocation facilities have had a historical presence in Amsterdam, after establishing the first point in the Netherlands of Internet connectivity. Today, the region's companies continue to use this connectivity infrastructure and network. Access to Nikhef Vancis and is immediately available to customers in Equinix AM3 Science Park.

Located in one of the world dense network locations, data center on campus Equinix in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is a low latency gateway to the continent, reaching 80 percent Europe less than 50 milliseconds.

cloud ecosystem

"More and more companies are using cloud hosting services, but are faced with an important condition for doing so: cloud applications really successful and reliable require a high degree of network connectivity, "said Michiel Eielts, General manager, Equinix Netherlands ." data centers Inside Equinix organizations already using many networks in our ecosystem. The additional connectivity offered by Vancis Nikhef and creates a new breeding ground for cloud ecosystem valuable to cloud providers and users. "

The new partnership follows a series of acquisitions and investments by Equinix in 2013 which added more than 75 new carriers including many in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Platform Equinix now offers access to more than 975 network providers worldwide.

Analytics Analytics Platform Solution RapidMiner acquires for Hadoop Big Data

12:39 Add Comment
Analytics Analytics Platform Solution RapidMiner acquires for Hadoop Big Data -

RapidMiner, Radoop a provider of predictive analytics pioneer based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has acquired a large data analysis solution for Hadoop. Radoop extends data analysis capabilities of RapidMiner and together, these solutions provide a ready business, supported commercially and suites all features predictive analytics running in Hadoop.

With the acquisition, become a Radoop wholly owned subsidiary of RapidMiner and become large corporate data division. With their existing partnership, Radoop is already fully integrated into product Server Studio and loan business lines RapidMiner. RapidMiner immediately start selling Radoop. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

big-data-analytics "There are two years, when I reported on RapidMiner and its strategic partnership with Radoop, I suggest that the company could benefit from the acquisition Radoop" said Krishna Roy, the platform and analysis of the team, 451research . "with this acquisition, RapidMiner is capitalizing on a growing global market opportunity in big data analysis."

Accelerate global expansion

RapidMiner Radoop retain employees and capitalize on their know-how, while investing to accelerate the global expansion of the new division formed. Radoop founder and Zoltán Prekopcsák luminaire technology will become vice president of the new division.

"The combination of RapidMiner and Radoop uniquely positions us to capitalize on synergies between advanced analytics and Hadoop," said Ingo Mierswa, co-founder and CEO of RapidMiner . "with 38,000 production deployments and 250,000 active users, the platform for advanced analysis of RapidMiner has seen tremendous adoption across a number of organizations constantly growing. With the addition of Radoop, professional and IT organizations can now take full advantage of the most comprehensive predictive analysis result of the world in a platform that costs far less than proprietary technologies, offers more features and is easier to deploy and manage. "

Denver Systems Integrator Selects JDA Latisys Data Center to power its new Disaster Recovery Services

19:38 Add Comment
Denver Systems Integrator Selects JDA Latisys Data Center to power its new Disaster Recovery Services -

John Drake & Associates (JDA), a systems integrator and provider of cloud center solutions accommodation and hybrid data, has selected Latisys data center in Denver as its iT infrastructure platform to support recovery services new disaster (DR).

Under the terms of the IT infrastructure as a service (IaaS) agreement, JDA will be Denver data center to allow recovery new disaster (DR) capabilities to support a custom portfolio Managed IT services currently offered by Latisys Latisys lever Chicago data center. Latisys Denver would serve as an ideal destination DR for large and medium enterprises.

JDA has been building its business in Chicago, leveraging systems Latisys' Cloud-Enabled Infrastructure (CESI) to deliver hybrid hosting for more than four years.

platform data center

latisys-data-centers "JDA and managed the delivery of cloud services depends on the quality of the IT infrastructure facilities underlying we choose to use, "says Todd Miller, CTO, JDA . "The Latisys data center facilities are proven in their ability to provide highly secure IT infrastructure services, centralized monitoring, and a solid base of network that can be leveraged across the United States. This flat Central Platform, geographically dispersed data hosting and cloud unified offering JDA with flexibility and synergy so that we can offer a variety of services that are fully customized to our key customers. "

with data center in Ashburn, Virginia, Chicago, Denver, Irvine, California and London, Latisys undertakes external audit firms to perform annual assessments to support compliance requirements of various customers. These reviews cover accredited SOC 2, SOC 3, PCI DSS and HIPAA.