Verizon chooses Mesosphere DCOS as its US platform for Data Center Service Orchestration

Verizon chooses Mesosphere DCOS as its US platform for Data Center Service Orchestration -

to meet the growing demand of data centers, Verizon will start using the operating system Datacenter Mesosphere (SCEM) later this year to significantly improve automation, scalability and efficiency when deploying applications, services and big data infrastructure.

Mesosphere SCEM, which is based on the open source cluster manager Apache Mesos , would allow Verizon to speed deployment of new products and services for a wide range of products and services, including connected devices and machines, video services, Internet services, storage and mobile applications, as well as large data and analysis.

verizon-cloud With Mesosphere DCOS , Verizon Labs developers will be able to operate the entire data center as a single coherent entity. As a result, Verizon will be able to automatically change the services up and down to meet the dynamic needs of millions of customers.

"Verizon is committed to unlocking the full potential of open source, the central cluster of data technology and cloud applications for the highest possible customer experience," said Kumar Vishwanathan, vice president and chief technology officer of Verizon Labs . "Mesosphere DCOS gives Verizon the base to create substantial benefits by increasing our ability to rapidly launch new products and services, while reducing requirements . IT in our data centers "

a Fortune 15 company with over $ 127 billion in 2014 revenues, Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) is headquartered in New York. employs a workforce of 178 500

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