hosting provider ServInt Promotes Christian Dawson President

hosting provider ServInt Promotes Christian Dawson President -

Christian Dawson was promoted to president of ServInt, a global provider of managed web hosting, cloud hosting and dedicated servers, based Northern Virginia in 1995. Dawson is a 16 year veteran of ServInt who most recently served as chief operating officer of ServInt (COO) since 09. He joined the organization in 1998 and sits on its Board of Directors .

"Christian has done a fantastic job in his role as head of the operation," said ServInt founder and CEO Reed Caldwell . "His efforts have particularly excelled in business development areas, the awareness of industry and leadership. This new role will enable it to further expand the success of ServInt in these areas and to create a path for our continued success. "


Christian Dawson, the new president of the hosting provider ServInt

ServInt provides managed web hosting, cloud services and hosting solutions and dedicated servers to businesses worldwide through data centers in North America and Europe.

"I had the pleasure of working with Christian for the better part of two decades and have relied on his consistent leadership, exceptional expertise and passion for our business," added Caldwell . "I am extremely happy to promote this new role of leader for which he is well suited."

US House of Representatives

Over recent years, ServInt has also taken a leadership position on issues related to Internet freedom, on behalf of its clients. Dawson speaks at events around the world as promoter of politics Internet technology and consumer privacy online.

vps-hosting-providers-servInt Dawson began his career as a member of Congress staff at the US House of representatives, where he fed his passion for technology policy. he joined ServInt in 1998 to become directly involved with technology and entrepreneurship on the Internet.

in addition to his leadership roles at ServInt, he is the co-founder and president of Internet infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) , a professional association of Internet infrastructure industry. In this role, he helps guide efforts to protect freedom of the Internet and ensure that the Internet and the industry built to continue to survive and thrive.

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