European hosting provider XBT Pays $ 300,000 For domain names ''

European hosting provider XBT Pays $ 300,000 For domain names '' -, the discourse of professional domain name hosting for many years, finally found a place to XBT, a large and fast growing dedicated hosting, IP transit and colocation provider in the European Union. The domain name was purchased for US $ 300,000 as a high bid in an auction bankruptcy auction, which took place in Dallas, United States

dedicated-servers The price of sale is a bargain compared to the domain name Server. com (singular) which was sold for $ 770,000 in 09. the offer of $ 300,000 was accepted after no other parties have expressed interest in the domain name.

XBT Holding is a private holding company that founded Webzilla web hosting company in 05. XBT Holding manages interests in a wide range of telecommunications and hosting companies, including hosting provider based in Luxembourg ROOT SA , as well as businesses IP Transit and Universal CDN . Companies aspiring to offer a full range of services including colocation, managed dedicated servers and cloud server hosting.

"The acquisition domain name will help create an automated, standardized system platform hosting for small and medium business customers to scale (SMB)," said Rajesh Kumar Mishra, CFO XBT holding SA . "The platform will offer a greater diversity of services formats in one package, giving customers the necessary solutions and business tools under one roof, including the flexible targeting and pricing of services based on analysis of user action data. the new domain will enable us to strengthen our regional brands in one. "

Scaling of shopping offers

After many years of development and extensive testing, XBT have finalized robust methods for extending its store business deals to a much wider audience improving the overall quality of service. With a new pricing policy, XBT is convinced that the new platform could become the European standard for quality and safety at a fair price.

XBT Holding, established in 2010 , is a rapidly growing company with a full range of services including dedicated servers, colocation, shared and VPS hosting, solution CDN hosting, high-performance network services, business continuity, cloud storage and security services. The company operates a network in the world exclusive through five neutral data centers screws and 13 points of presence in the United States, Europe and Asia, with more than 16,000 servers through nine subsidiaries.

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