Information Builders iWay Data Manager unveils Hadoop for data Lac Creating and managing

Information Builders iWay Data Manager unveils Hadoop for data Lac Creating and managing -

solutions information Builders, a __gVirt_NP_NN_NNPS <__ provider business intelligence (BI) and analysis, integrity of information and data integration, unveiled its Hadoop iWay data Manager -. native approach to data integration based on Hadoop and management that would ensure a high level of capacity, compatibility and flexibility

Quite some organizations would struggle Hadoop to the centerpiece of their big data strategy because of the cost base and knowledge of development tools, user interfaces and professional skills to the environment. In addition, organizations must ensure that Hadoop can extend, replace or strengthen strategies and BI tools and storage of existing data, but need clarity on the best approach.

information builders Hadoop iWay Data Manager provide a "simplified interface, easy to use" to generate portable code, reusable for data integration tasks in Hadoop, including ingestion of data, processing and cleaning. by eliminating Hadoop coding, it would allow a more rapid response to business needs by using sets of less expensive skills.

modern data integration often requires rapid ingestion of data in a data lake from various data sources, while minimizing the impact on their performance. iWay Hadoop data Manager hides the complexity of ingesting data , replacement and deduplication using Sqoop, Flume and iWay Service Manager of Information Builders. - without programming

"Organisations do not have to be wondering if their choices major data integration are limited to native script complex one hand and non-Hadoop tools on the other, "said Gregory Dorman, senior vice president and general manager of iWaySoftware . "With the iWay Manager Hadoop data, complexity, cost and training are reduced to provide large much more sophisticated data integration which sets the course businesses for future success."

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