ManageEngine, a real-time provider virtual server monitoring, will launch free virtualization management tool at VMworld US 2014 will be held August 24-28 in San Francisco. The solution, VM Manager Plus monitors virtual servers with unlimited monitoring support and no restriction on the number of computers, virtual machines (VM) or datastores.
VM Manager Plus monitors hosts, VMs and datastores through hypervisors leaders such as VMware ESX / ESXi, Microsoft Hyper-V and Citrix XenServer. It monitors various performance indicators such as exchange of memory, the memory ready, willing CPU, shared memory, and disk I / O. It also includes the management of real-time fault with instant notifications email and SMS.
VM Manager Plus provides an idle list and stale VM helps system administrators to manage and prevent VM sprawl. It also provides a list of the most underused and unused virtual machines to optimization and capacity planning. For better visualization, it also includes a card that provides a live view of the host, VM and relationship datastore. These charts are updated automatically when the live migration of virtual machines happens.
OpManager license
"Most free tools to competing suppliers serve only as a way to drive traffic to their websites and does not propose paths of easy upgrade, "said Dev Anand, director of product management at ManageEngine . "They often force users to download more paid versions after a while. VM Manager Plus offers a seamless upgrade path without additional downloads. Customers can manage VM sprawl and access other advanced features instantly upon the application of OpManager license when they want. "
the real-time monitoring tool is built on OpManager scalable network infrastructure and data center management software ManageEngine devices that can monitor 50,000 or 1 million of interfaces from a single server.
more VM Manager is completely free to monitor unlimited number of hosts, virtual machines and databases through VMware, Hyper-V and XenServer. VM Manager Plus stores two days of performance and fault data for analysis and reporting. For storage of historical data beyond two days and VM sprawl management, users must purchase a license OpManager.
ManageEngine is a division of Zoho Corp. with offices worldwide, including the US, UK, India, Japan and China.
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