LeaseWeb, one of the largest hosting world brands with solutions including servers and clouds of bare metal dedicated, added a third location data center in the United States in its global portfolio of data centers. The new data center, which is the third deployment of LeaseWeb USA, enhance product offerings and enterprise services across the country and expand its relationship with Equinix.
With US data centers existing in Washington, DC, and. San Jose, California, the new data center based in Dallas expands the partnership LeaseWeb USA with Equinix and Equinix Marketplace -. an online community where Equinix customers can present products and services for both the sale and purchase
"LeaseWeb has doubled its US footprint in the last six months and our new data center based in Dallas is helping to propel this growth, allowing us to meet the demand of growing customers, we have seen in the local market, "said William Schrader, CEO of LeaseWeb USA . "We have data centers serving customers on both US coasts, and our latest deployment will expand our network seamless coverage, which gives customers access to a strategic leader LeaseWeb's portfolio of existing solutions. "
Thanks to their showcase of Equinix in Marketplace, LeaseWeb USA will promote and sell the portfolio full LeaseWeb brand managed hosting solutions. In addition, the market would allow Equinix customers to leverage LeaseWeb's global presence and advanced hosting offering while supporting their expanding customer base and growth in the United States.
10 data centers Worldwide
"Dallas continues to be one of the most strategic connectivity points in North America, and Equinix data centers offer a rich ecosystem of over 275 local businesses, "said Jim Poole, vice president, global service providers, Equinix ." We are delighted to have on LeaseWeb this market with us and to help facilitate the interconnection directly to customers and partners for their digital supply chain. "
last deployment LeaseWeb USA adds to an extensive global network of LeaseWeb data center, which has 10 locations across Europe, Asia and North America . ". Core 99.9999 percent uptime" The LeaseWeb platform lies on one of the largest networks in the world, with 5.0 Tbps bandwidth capacity and
The portfolio LeaseWeb hosting solutions include:
"LeaseWeb has doubled its US footprint in the last six months and our new data center based in Dallas is helping to propel this growth, "said William Schrader, CEO of LeaseWeb USA.
dedicated servers - with a fully customizable infrastructure, allowing customers to configure their servers to handle anything from hosting email for critical applications. LeaseWeb servers also allow the provision on request -. from single servers to large-scale deployments
- A full range of hosting solutions cloud server - from virtual servers to bare metal servers and dedicated private cloud and the freedom to customize access to key resources such as Apache CloudStack, and VMware
- exclusive content distribution network of LeaseWeb (CDN) -. which brings together custom hardware expertise and network optimization with pay-as-you "practice" go options. Optimized for large file volume and acceleration of Web site, LeaseWeb CDN would be a good solution for e-commerce customer
- A full range of colocation -. rack units to private cages, all with flexible options for power and bandwidth. LeaseWeb also provides customers the opportunity to combine traditional colocation services with dedicated and cloud server environments to create a customized solution
- LeaseWeb Application Security -. A "sophisticated" security solution that would provide protection from hackers without impacting the performance of a website. The solution includes a web application firewall (WAF), threat intelligence support by application security experts and a 24/7 Security Operation Center (SOC).
Dallas LeaseWeb deployment of data center follows the recent launch of LeaseWeb Cloud Singapore. LeaseWeb is considering the deployment of additional data centers in Sydney and Tokyo as part of the global company's expansion plans.
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