Cartika Launches Enterprise Virtual Desktops with Microsoft Windows

Cartika Launches Enterprise Virtual Desktops with Microsoft Windows -

Cartika, a provider of managed hosting applications, has introduced a new range of virtual enterprise desktop solutions. Virtual Office offers Cartika would give Microsoft Windows deploy business desktop in seconds.

virtual desktops from Cartika combine "the power and flexibility of" the familiar environment of Microsoft Windows with "scalability, security, and reduced complexity" a managed cloud platform. With virtual offices, companies should not worry about obtaining and maintaining complex office equipment deployments, reducing the cost of hardware and software management.

managed-hosting-cartika virtual desktops give employees the ability to access their files and applications from any device capable while giving IT departments control they need to maintain security and compliance. Virtual Desktops can be deployed in central Dallas both Cartika the United States, or its plant in Toronto, Canada.

"platform Cartika virtual office joins our existing cloud services and managed infrastructure portfolio to Cartika one of the few hosting providers to offer a full range of cloud computing services companies, "said Andrew Rouchotas, CEO of Cartika ." from the backup infrastructure-as-a-service and desktop hosting company, our modular advanced services allow companies to build an IT platform business that exactly matches their business needs. "

Forefront AV Microsoft

virtual desktops are designed with Cartika same design as other jobs from: the basic experience includes two office-user business with Microsoft Windows 8 or Windows server 2012 virtual underlying server is a single-processor configuration with 2 GB RAM, 60 GB of high-performance storage and unmetered 100 Gbps of bandwidth. All plans include Microsoft Forefront AV. Improvements include additional cores CPU, memory and storage, as well as Microsoft Office applications and terminal services.

To provide the responsiveness and reliability demand virtual desktop clients, infrastructure Cartika employs enterprise-class Juniper WAN networks with multiple redundant connections to 10G upstream Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers bandwidth , which allows the company to offer 100% network and infrastructure service level agreements.

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