Managed Hosting Company Unveils Gigenet-level DDoS protection provider

Managed Hosting Company Unveils Gigenet-level DDoS protection provider -

managed-hosting-provider Gigenet a managed hosting provider headquartered is just outside of Chicago, IL, unveiled a DDoS protection solution that is designed to meet the needs of ISPs in protecting their entire network and not just DDoS attacks costly servers.

DDoS attacks are not limited to websites and servers as data centers are also covered. A recent study by the Ponemon Institute, published in December 2013, DDoS attacks would become one of the most common triggers of data center outages. Therefore Gigenet introduced the new DDoS protection solution.

"Today, customers are more concerned about the collateral damage of DDoS attacks," said Ameen Pishdadi, CTO and president of Gigenet . "By establishing a direct or virtual connectivity provider network infrastructure, Gigenet empowers the supplier, giving them more control over their network during an attack. This allows the provider first and foremost protect themselves, so that a customer does not alter attacked others. "

Chicago, Los Angeles

Once an attack is identified and washed Gigenet, they use tools, including VPN tunnels to pass traffic own their customers. their DDoS protection solutions vary according to current customer network models and provide custom configurations . for example, protection can be either "always" or have an "on / off" control. guests are also provided with monitoring tools, so they are always aware of what is happening on their network.

Gigenet is a full service, managed hosting provider offering dedicated servers, cloud hosting, hybrid solutions and colocation as well as DDoS protection. the company owns and operates a 17,000 sq. Ft. from enterprise level private data center in Chicago. Gigenet region still offers its services from a newly expanded Los Angeles, CA, data center.

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