CloudLinux and cPanel Celebrate 5-Year Anniversary of partnership

CloudLinux and cPanel Celebrate 5-Year Anniversary of partnership -

OS developer shared web hosting, CloudLinux, and the control panel for web hosting providers, cPanel, announced this month -ci the 5th anniversary of their partnership. To date, about 24,000 CloudLinux OS servers are currently running cPanel, a number that has doubled since 2014. cPanel would be the control panel used for running CloudLinux OS servers.

The January 18, 2011 CloudLinux and cPanel forged a longstanding partnership that has "stability, security and profitability" features of CloudLinux OS cPanel customers and partners.

cpanel whm Since the beginning of its partnership, the CloudLinux technical team has worked closely with the team cPanel on delivering tight integration and features based on customer needs. Using cPanel with CloudLinux OS provide web hosting companies and datacenters with the stability avoiding the resource peaks caused by an individual tenant. CloudLinux OS limits a single tenant resources can consume. This would improve server density significantly, resulting in a more stable and profitable environment.

from the cPanel WHM administration interface and CloudLinux OS provides hosting companies and their clients visibility to all resource use and accessibility to control the exact allocation of resources. A unified licensing system and an integrated direct support is available for customers using cPanel with CloudLinux OS.

web hosting providers

"The success of CloudLinux partnership stems from the underlying goal of providing software that solves real-world problems" said Aaron Phillips, commercial director, cPanel . "CloudLinux with cPanel and WHM has experienced five years of joint efforts that helped hosting providers improve stability, increase profitability, and provide customers with web hosting best hosting experience."

cloudlinux os The partnership extends beyond technical integration. CloudLinux team also joined in cPanel cP1Con, their new events, one day taking place globally in 2016, and the annual report cPanel Conference .

based on the Linux Web "leading position in cPanel hosting space made the distribution of CloudLinux OS much easier," said Igor Seletskiy, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CloudLinux . "And full integration into their interface makes it easy to use for customers."

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