Adds New Features InterWorx output, improved performance and security enhancements

Adds New Features InterWorx output, improved performance and security enhancements -

InterWorx US based software development company has announced the release of InterWorx 5, the new version of its hosting web control panel, which includes many new features, performance enhancements and security improvements.

interworx-web-hosting-control-panel InterWorx 5 adds a multitude of innovative IPv6 management features, including auto-assign IPv6 addresses capacity, use IPv6 addresses SiteWorx by multiple account, and support for the ip6tables firewall. load-balanced cluster feature rich is a key technology and InterWorx InterWorx 5 provides comprehensive support for IPv6 load balancing clusters.

The most striking change for InterWorx users could be the new theme Heliotrope default, bringing easy-on-the-eye modern look in all aspects of the control panel and takes its sensitivity design of InterWorx sites. The theme of development system has also seen significant work: the third theme developers can now take advantage of the most comprehensive options layout for customizing how the controls are presented to the users

other new features include :.

  • support for multiple SSL certificates on a single IP address.
  • multiple IP addresses per account SiteWorx.
  • an improved file manager.
  • A new configuration interface for installations.
  • Updated plugin CloudFlare CDN.
  • reorganized yum repositories with tiered rest for stable releases and development.
  • New Yum repository management interface.
  • A process for making more informative and intuitive level, including automatic updates of nodes in the cluster when the cluster manager is upgraded.
  • improving the layout of graphics seen in NodeWorx.

InterWorx is a comprehensive control panel suitable for hosting companies, web development agencies, resellers and end users .

The InterWorx application has two main operating modes. The panel control NodeWorx , which is primarily for system administrators, provides complete control over all the important aspects of a Linux server, including system services, DNS zones, firewall rules -Fire, and IP addresses. NodeWorx is also capable server monitoring, server clusters management, and the creation and management of Siteworx accounts and users.

SiteWorx is the component of the end user, enabling hosting customers to manage their site and hosting environment, including PHP Script Installer simplifies the task of setting up WordPress, Magento, and other platforms, and management of domains, e-mail and FTP accounts. SiteWorx also provides a useful set of statistics modules sites so that customers can monitor the usage of bandwidth and other aspects of their hosting package.

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